Stephanie and J'Aime, dear sister goddess friends with a passion for connecting the physical and the energetic have come together to create an inBODY'd and INtuitive 5-week course experience to help you clear out any physical, emotional, and mental debris to ALiGN with all that is your highest self!
they Know this course will help you stand in your truth because they have been there, friend. they've walked into the darkness and come out with light.
Stephanie and J'Aime, dear sister goddess friends with a passion for connecting the physical and the energetic have come together to create an inBODY'd and INtuitive 5-week course experience to help you clear out any physical, emotional, and mental debris to ALiGN with all that is your highest self!
they Know this course will help you stand in your truth because they have been there, friend. they've walked into the darkness and come out with light.
in 2021, Stephanie and her partner decided to move to France for his health and to have a baby. while she was pregnant she moved from her live/work Pilates & GYROTONIC® studio space in Los Angeles to Saussay la Campagne, a beautiful and completely unfamiliar place to start a completely new role and relationship to herself and her body. though an aligned and welcome decision, this move left her with no kind of support network as she was navigating an unfamiliar country, language and medical system. Stephanie had no other choice than to move INWARD using the embodied movement and intuitive tools she had to connect to and move through her rage, isolation and loneliness.
the result? the birth of two gifts: her beautiful, Justin-Thilou, and the iNCOMING commUNITY. |
in 2020, a series of changes rained down upon J’Aime until there was no place to move but by divine impulse. she left her rent-controlled LA apartment during a pandemic, and she left her career as a fashion designer in pursuit of an idea. the ties to an anchored life severed until she was anchored to herself most of all. she became the Observer, healing many of her childhood patterns; she developed her intuition and dove deeply into the world of Energy; she was activated by the Crystalline Mineral Kingdom; and she found the Muse and Creator in the portal’ed perspective of the Mirror.
J'Aime is by all accounts a creator of her destiny. she continues to live a nomadic life in the wilds of Southern California, finding the space to flow into expansion. |
ALiGN is a mostly self-paced course. this means that you can move through the pre-recorded and written materials that unlock weekly at your preferred time throughout the week. |
benefit from weekly conversation in real time with J'Aime & Stephanie to jam, share, encourage and debrief. these will be recorded - no worries if you miss. (note: these are available for 3 months after the course). |
as a member of this course you gain LIFETIME access to ALL the materials, any future updates, and the commUNITY forum so you can return to any practice or continue the conversation as you feel called. |
having a loving and supportive community in your life is one of the greatest gifts in any situation! as part of ALiGN you gain access to its community space AND the iNCOMING free-for-all NEXUS. |
it begins March 3rd until April 6th, 2025
each week, through a mixture of recorded movement and audio practices and meditations, personal shares and journaling prompts, you will connect to yourself as a physio-energetic being with tools to shift your energy quickly and create the most expansive version of YOU you want to become.
with weekly LIVE coaching sessions, you will be able to pick Stephanie & Jaime's brain-bodies for deeper integration and connection to yourself and the commUNITY.
here's the schedule:
✨ PORTAL 1: Breathing Into Awareness
✨ PORTAL 2: Clearing Space
✨ PORTAL 3: Accepting Your Spirit
✨ PORTAL 4: Feeling Your Way Through
✨ PORTAL 5: Giving Yourself Grace
it begins March 3rd until April 6th, 2025
each week, through a mixture of recorded movement and audio practices and meditations, personal shares and journaling prompts, you will connect to yourself as a physio-energetic being with tools to shift your energy quickly and create the most expansive version of YOU you want to become.
with weekly LIVE coaching sessions, you will be able to pick Stephanie & Jaime's brain-bodies for deeper integration and connection to yourself and the commUNITY.
here's the schedule:
- when you sign up, you gain IMMEDIATE access to this space that introduces you to Stephanie & J'Aime, as well as sets you up for the best possible experience both in their app-based home, the iNCOMING and your own body and movement-meditation space.
✨ PORTAL 1: Breathing Into Awareness
- Breath is Life and as such is the place to begin in your body and your practice. the ability to shift your breath is the ability to shift your nervous system is the ability to shift into clarity is the ability to call in all that you desire for yourself, your family, and your life.
✨ PORTAL 2: Clearing Space
- in this second portal, you will begin to dive more deeply into reflecting upon and moving through the subterranean levels of your CORE essence, unpacking some of the debris that may be laying unconsciously in your body, thoughts and energy.
✨ PORTAL 3: Accepting Your Spirit
- accepting yourself as both a MOVER in your unique PHYSICAL BODY and SPIRIT IN HUMAN FORM is the way to integrate the power of your energetic BEing'ness. this portal will have you tapping into your innate intuition with practices connecting you directly to your Source.
✨ PORTAL 4: Feeling Your Way Through
- living in TENSEGRITY, by both accepting that tension and resistance are a natural part of expansion and allowing it to arise in order to witness it, is living in integrity. this portal will have you feeling into your sentience and using the mirror to reflect all that is YOU.
✨ PORTAL 5: Giving Yourself Grace
- the final portal is a chance for you to integrate all of the materials from the previous portals both to deepen your awareness of your body as an energetic vessel and to tap into your energetic centers with confidence in order to take flight.