HOLD YOUR GROUND is a 3-Day absolutely FR*E Intuitive Movement intensive to fortify your ENERGY by moving deeper into connection to your BODY.
2025 is moving FAST, and it’s incredibly important to make sure you stay GROUNDED in YOUR energy. this 3-day intensive will help you
the HOLD YOUR GROUND 3-day intensive takes place at the iNCOMING, in the app AND you can enjoy the replays for 7 days after!
if you are a NEWBIE to the iNCOMING, welcome! click below to join our free-from-all NEXUS commUNITY and gain immediate access to the HOLD YOUR GROUND intensive space👇
2025 is moving FAST, and it’s incredibly important to make sure you stay GROUNDED in YOUR energy. this 3-day intensive will help you
- ✨ identify your NAVAL POINT and re-center it
- ✨ build a movement practice you can take with you
- ✨ express what you are needing to let go of in the embrace of a radiant commUNITY
- ✨ move forward with clear intentions
the HOLD YOUR GROUND 3-day intensive takes place at the iNCOMING, in the app AND you can enjoy the replays for 7 days after!
- ✅ WHEN: February 19-21, for about an hour, 9:30-10:30 PT / 12:30-1:30 ET / 6:30-7:30 CET
- ✅ WHERE: in our app-based home, the iNCOMING, theincoming.co
- ✅ WHY: to strengthen from the INSIDE-OUT so you don’t get caught up in the fear vibration and instead stay present in YOUR Source Guidance
- ✅ HOW: read and click below to reserve your spot
if you are a NEWBIE to the iNCOMING, welcome! click below to join our free-from-all NEXUS commUNITY and gain immediate access to the HOLD YOUR GROUND intensive space👇
if you are already part of the iNCOMING commUNITY, you are automatically enrolled, so check it out below 👇