***PLEASE NOTE*** the INtensive is accessed from inside the iNCOMING, our app-based commUNITY. bookmark this page if you do not directly click below and access the intensive from inside the app.
✨ on DECEMBER 15th we go LIVE at the iNCOMING, our app-based home. as a new member, you gain access to our free-for-all NEXUS commUNITY as well. all you have to do access BOTH the intensive and the NEXUS is click below ⬇️
***PLEASE NOTE*** the INtensive is accessed from inside the iNCOMING, our app-based commUNITY. bookmark this page if you do not directly click below and access the intensive from inside the app.
✨ on DECEMBER 15th we go LIVE at the iNCOMING, our app-based home. as a new member, you gain access to our free-for-all NEXUS commUNITY as well. all you have to do access BOTH the intensive and the NEXUS is click below ⬇️