YOU MADE IT! here are your next steps:
- create a member account to gain access to the iNCOMING NEXUS, our free-for-all space.
- check out the "iNCOMING PRACTiCES" tab and you will see the maniFEST 2024 space that you can begin immediately!
- start your member checklist especially getting your notifications ready to get the most out of your experience.
- et voila. that's it. click below to set up your account, badass BEiNG. welcome to the commUNITY!
we can't wait to connect with you through MOVEmeant and INtuition.
rock on, badass BEiNGS. xx Stephanie & J'Aime
virtual weekly classes
every class is a partnership, so bring what you got, and we’ll move together to unlock your BREATH, CORE, and the FLOW of it all. join her from home for her virtual Super Saturday and Tuesday Focused Flow open-level classes. |
sayezz monthly membership
this membership is for YOU to go deeper into your practice. get one-on-one attention, unlimited access to the class video archive, free access to Super Saturday class, discounts on your class packs, and more. 3 levels; one month & 3 month options |
session & on-demand offerings
SAYEZZ VIRTUAL STUDIO has the health of your bodymindspirit covered! with PILATES, GYROTONIC®, YOGA TRAPEZE®, & INTUITIVE READING one-on-one sessions, we can focus on YOU, you rockstar |