Sayezz Pilates & Beyond and SOURCE Studio THANK YOU
COVID-19 Response and Protocols
all for your loyalty, support, and dedication during this unprecedented shutdown due to COVID-19.
While the studio remains closed by order of LA City Mayor Garcetti until PHASE 3 of reopening, we are sharing with you, our community, what we have been doing behind the scenes to prepare for reopening when allowed in the future.
We also thought we should share what we expect our “new normal” will be as we work to keep you healthy and safe from the spread of Covid-19 as this highly dynamic situation continues to evolve. We are in no rush to open, as the pandemic will continue to be no small threat, and we want to encourage everyone to continue with online sessions and classes as much as possible.
Our approach to the various components necessary for ensuring a safe and healthy environment are linked below:
While the studio remains closed by order of LA City Mayor Garcetti until PHASE 3 of reopening, we are sharing with you, our community, what we have been doing behind the scenes to prepare for reopening when allowed in the future.
We also thought we should share what we expect our “new normal” will be as we work to keep you healthy and safe from the spread of Covid-19 as this highly dynamic situation continues to evolve. We are in no rush to open, as the pandemic will continue to be no small threat, and we want to encourage everyone to continue with online sessions and classes as much as possible.
Our approach to the various components necessary for ensuring a safe and healthy environment are linked below:
Sayezz Pilates & Beyond and Source Studio are
Precautions at Sayezz Pilates & Beyond & Source Studio
We are going to keep the studio OPEN FOR PRIVATE TRAINING to limit the number of folks in the studio and switching ALL CLASSES TO VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM for the time being but want everyone to keep their health the main priority.
We are taking many steps to avoid germ spread in our studio. This message will fully address what we have been doing and will continue to do to keep our studio as clean and as safe as possible for our incredible, committed clients. We also ask that you do your part as well - this is a group effort.
Our current and newly implemented policies:
What you can do to help:
Resource for dealing with stress during this virus oubreak:
I've been saying the alphabet forward and backward as I wash my hands, but here's something else you may find interesting too:
We are taking many steps to avoid germ spread in our studio. This message will fully address what we have been doing and will continue to do to keep our studio as clean and as safe as possible for our incredible, committed clients. We also ask that you do your part as well - this is a group effort.
Our current and newly implemented policies:
- It is your discretion to attend your appointment. All late cancellation fees will be suspended for the month of March. Should you feel ill or come in contact with anyone who is presumed ill, please stay at home.
- We will not be giving hands-on assistance during classes - if you prefer to still have hands-on assist, let your instructor know.
- We will also be keeping as much distance as safety will allow during your session or class.
- We always have and will continue to wash their hands in between sessions.
- We wipe down / disinfect all equipment, rooms, door knobs/switches, faucets, bathroom surfaces at the end of every day.
- We disinfect all drinking glasses every day.
- We wipe down equipment in between sessions and use clean towels for each client.
- Windows are opened and fans turned on to air out the space for a couple hours every evening.
- We will be avoiding unnecessary contact, ie. hugs, shaking hands.
What you can do to help:
- Please visit the restroom and thoroughly wash your hands before you begin your session or class.
- Wipe down props, mats, benches after each use (including handles and straps), even if mid-session and moving to another area of the studio.
- Bring a towel from home to use during your session to lay over your bench, mat, or pillow if you feel more comfortable.
- You are welcome to bring your own water bottle from home.
- Wear gloves if you feel that they will help to keep you from touching your face during your session.
- If you have to sneeze or cough, use a tissue then dispose in a trashcan. This is proven as a better option than in the crease of your elbow. Make sure to do this in a somewhat isolated fashion.
- Secure hair up and out of the face. Refrain from re-doing hair while in session. Hair tickles the face and we have been warned about face touching.
- If you have returned from traveling abroad, please consider staying home for the two week incubation period before returning to the studio.
- Remember, if you do not feel well, please stay home and give us a call. For the month of March, there is no penalty for a sick cancel, but please remember that your instructor depends on your session for their income. Only "sick cancel" if you really need it.
- If you are feeling vulnerable and choose to self-quarantine, in certain circumstances we will offer online sessions via FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp, or Zoom. Please e-mail me at [email protected] to schedule a virtual private session.
- Lastly, if you display symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, we request that you inform us. To do so please email [email protected].
Resource for dealing with stress during this virus oubreak:
I've been saying the alphabet forward and backward as I wash my hands, but here's something else you may find interesting too: